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RE-InVEST Public event in the Netherlands

The participants of the study and professionals and politicians will meet for the presentation of the research results and a discussion about the impact of the crisis on the lives of the participants.

The research team from Delft University of Technology will present the main results of the report entitled (translation) “The Netherlands. Households that have difficulty with making ends meet: after the crisis”. The main conclusions are as follows:

The financial situation of the participants worsened after the crisis and the implementation of austerity policies.
Disinvestment in and standardisation of social assistance and care benefits have impacted negatively on the self-confidence of people and the social climate of the society.
The introduction of the ‘participation society’ has decreased the choice options of participants.

The discussion will focus on the design of a ‘true’ participation society that is social and charitable and that will strengthen the self-confidence of vulnerable households and their trust in society.

The public event will be organized on 19 October 2016, in the meeting room of Dona Daria, Gerard Scholtenstraat 129 in Rotterdam, from 2 pm to 5 pm.