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WP2 - Methodological support

We will combine participatory qualitative research with advanced statistical analysis.
Expert partners will support the others in implementing tailored methods.


WP2 has been designed explicitly to develop participatory methods tailored to the needs of each national team involved in the research project. A key objective will be to build key capability processes into the methodology. Participative qualitative research methods3 are relatively experimental and need to be adapted to the particular setting and stakeholders (here: coalition of academics, ‘pracademics’, labour union organisations, social NGOs and grassroots organisations which aim to promote direct participation of people experiencing poverty and exclusion). The methodological team will work collaboratively with local communities to design tailored approaches for all tasks where such participative approaches are to be used.

A private copy of the synthesis report of this workpackage is available on request.

Key principles

    • Positive discrimination in the allocation of time and resources, with priority being given to the weakest participants in the process.
    • Effective investment in the research capacity of those groups. Phasing in of joint collaboration to the highest possible levels.
    • Adaptation of analytical instruments and language.
    • Interculturally (& gender, age, etc.) sensitive approaches, including mediation and training of all participants.
    • Specific attention will be devoted to the composition of our ‘mixed research teams’, particularly also the gender/age/ethnic profile of participants from vulnerable groups.
    • Continuity and feedback at all stages of the research.
    • Dialogical and reflexive approaches. 
    • Communicativeand democratic decision‐making.

To do

The methodological approach suggests that participatory qualitative methods should/will be used to answer the core research questions, conduct our analysis and formulate potential solutions. The specific choice of methods will be determined by the specific sub questions but the principles will inform the design and delivery of the method.

The qualitative research questions across WPs 2, 5 and 6 will be tackled chronologically using such methods. The participative research methodology is not just instrumental in facilitating a more grounded empirical answer to research questions. It will permeate the whole project, and, in particular, the work package on capacity building, dissemination and policy dialogue (WP8).

The civil society organisations and the representatives of vulnerable groups participating in the process will be associated until the very end of the project and will have extended their ‘capabilities’ to transform their social environment.